Recent Mold Remediation Posts

Is Bleach Enough to Fix My Mold Problem?

11/1/2023 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Mold Problem Mold on the walls.

The short answer is no. During the height of COVID, we were cleaning and sanitizing everything from door knobs to keyboards.  Anything that was touched by multiple people was getting hit with one kind of cleaner or another.  We should be taking that same approach to getting rid of mold.  Mold has been here much longer than COVID and it isn’t going away anytime soon (maybe an asteroid).  How do we get rid of mold in the home or office?  The CDC says that using bleach to kill mold isn’t always recommended.  Using a bleach/water mixture will most likely destroy the surface mold, but the growth goes much deeper than that.  Bleach cannot penetrate the deeper levels of porous materials, so you will most likely see it come back within a short period of time.

Here are a few things that the EPA says about the basics of mold cleanup.

  1. Moisture control.  If you can keep it dry, you can help control the growth of mold.
  2. Scrub the mold off of hard surfaces with a detergent and water, then dry completely.
  3. Any absorbent materials like carpets, rugs, and ceiling tiles will most likely need to be thrown away.

If you have tried to get rid of mold and can’t seem to keep it away, contact your New Orleans Marigny & Gentilly SERVPRO professionals today.  We have the experience, equipment, and products to help destroy the mold and keep it from returning.